Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bronchiolitis or asthma

Those terms dah normal dah bagi nadey dengar....hmmmm.....it's all bcoz my childhood time...I use to have asthma yang sgt teruk.....but then after dah start schooling, antibody dah makin kuat...so the asthma hilang dgn sendiri....but stil, nadey stil bole dpt those asthma if factor2 of getting asthma ada....like dust...too cold...byklaa...and one time masa nadey at UIA dlm 2nd year, my asthma attack getting worse...even everyday nadey kene attack...and those INHALER are my very BEST FRIEND...but now alhamdulillah....dah takde kene asthma attack...

But last week is a very hard time for me....batuk yg amat teruk hasil drpd jangkitan drpd nisrina&uzzam...huhuhu...at last on 15/1/2009 (Thursday), I took MC and get nebulizer for my asthma...huuhuh...dah puff pun rasa tak jalan...last time, nadey use to use Ventolin inhaler...now pakai Asthalin plk....sama jer...lain manufacturer jer....its actually those inhaler is the lowest dose utk org yg kene asthma laa...sekali dua puff kan heal laaa those normal asthma....but when it came to the worst asthma attack...tak lalu dah all those inhaler...kene gak amik nebulizer..! huhhuh...and that happens to me....even pernah dulu dpt asthma yg sgt teruk, I've to go thru some medication yg after makan, tgn akan menggeletar and pernahlaaa adik2 nadey cakap.... "akak...jgn akak...."...macam org nak mati plk....huhuhuhhuhu

ventolin inhaler

asthalin inhaler

Asthma nie actually sakit keturunan...and i got it from my family sebelah mak...mmg all my sisters masa kecik ada asthma...alif jerr tak kene..my youngest bro! now takut plk to my babies will get the attack tooo....huhuhu....alhamdulillah...as far as now, takde lagilaaa asthma attack to them walaupun dah berpuluh kali jmp doc if ujam and nina batuk dgr wheezing chest! tp wheezing chest tak semestinyer asthma...it might be some other problem...like bronchiolitis or pneumonia or others...and alhamdulillah...my both babies stakat nie takdelaa kene asthma lagi...tiap kali batuk, wheezing chest..just bcoz of bronchiolitisla...and tiap kali jmp doc, nadey mesti confirm kan with doc yg my babies tak kene asthma...

Asthma ni actually bcoz of our saluran pernafasan tu cramp, so susah nak breeth and then dengar wheezing chest. Tp bronchiolitis plk is bila byk sgt kahak, then salur pernafasan tersumbat...then dengar wheezing chest! Mmglaaa kesian bila ujam especially kene batuk...and some more wheezing chest...sedih sgt...coz baby tak pandai nak batuk buang kahak...dengarlaaa dada dia berbunyi dgn amat kuat...and tgk dia nak bernafas pun....susah! terasa nak soh jerrr dia amik asthalin tu...and lega mcm kita rasa...some times nadey even batuk myself sbb rasa sesak sgt dada dia tu...sian ujam....

Itulaaa yg nadey lalui past weeks and it is very hard full....sian tgk my babies struggling nak bernafas....huhuhhuhu..even masa nisrina dulu, we all dah ada 1 nebulizer mask nurse kt pusrawi bagi...dia kata next time kalau buat neb, pakai jerr yg nie...boleh dibersih and tak payah pakai org lain pny...tp tak pakai pun...asik pakai yg doc pny jer....nebulizer mask yg ada kt umah...

Byk lagi yg bole kita blajar pasal asthma nie....byk perkaitan dgn mcm2 sakit...and i'm very concern with those things...as nadey dah pernah lalui..taknaklaaa my babies plk laluinyer....but serba sedikit dah kene laaa jgk tempiasnyer...citer psl eczema plk...dua2 my babies mmg dah ada eczema...eczema ni gatal2 kt kulit yg mmg takde penyembuhnyerr....kesan drpd asthma tu....huish! nak citer pasal eczema plk??!!! alamak.....smbg next chapterlaaa!

So kawan2....pls check your baby if they have wheezing chest...whether it is asthma...or bronchiolitis or others...it is IMPORTANT!

reference bole tgk kt 1, 2, 3, 4, and many more.....


  1. thanks nadey..very informative..

    as amierah's case, nasib la refer specialist cepat..
    if not,mmg doc said bole kene bronchilitis tu..

    tapi syahdu betul masa masuk drug pakai nebulizer tu..
    kesian nurse kene tendang aje...hehehe

  2. normal laaa tu....
    nisrina and ujam...mana tak menangis kalo kene benda tu! tp bila dah selalu kene...diaorg cam dah tau jerr....

  3. nadey.. nebulizer ni mad terbaca naudzubillah... hahahaha.. salah tgk.. skali baca.. pelik gak nape nadey tulis naudzubillah.. pastu baca2 balik rupa2nya nebulizer... haha... poning dah pokcik ni.. :D
